Gushchin Unified State Exam in Social Studies. Online GIA tests in social studies (society). Read with this news

Option No. 3039044

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018 in social studies.

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

The purpose of the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies is to enable any Unified State Exam participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CIMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies from FIPI with answers

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Changes in the 2018 Unified State Examination in social studies compared to 2017

The scoring system for task 28 has been reworked. The maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.

The wording of task 29 has been detailed and the system of its assessment has been changed. The maximum score has been increased from 5 to 6.

Maximum Primary Score for completing all work increased from 62 to 64.

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 29 tasks.

Part 1 contains 20 short answer questions.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with detailed answers.

The answers to the tasks in Part 1 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers.

Part 2 tasks (21–29) require a complete answer (give an explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in social studies.

Table 1

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Part of work Number of tasks Max. primary score The percentage of the maximum primary score for completing tasks in this part from the maximum primary score for the entire work, equal to 64 Type of tasks
Part 1 20 35 54,7 With a short answer
Part 2 9 29 45,3 With a detailed answer
Total 29* 64 100

*The last (29th) task of the work consists of five alternative tasks.

In each version of the work in tasks 21–28, five thematic blocks-modules are presented in total.

The work is completed by alternative task 29, which directs the examinee to write a mini-essay on one of the five proposed topics.

Topics are set in the form of brief statements by representatives of social thought, political figures, scientists and cultural figures. In some cases, statements are aphoristic in nature. Each topic-statement is conditionally correlated with one of the basic sciences of the social science course (topics in sociology and social psychology are combined into a common block), however, graduates have the right to disclose it in the context of any social science or several sciences.

This task tests a wide range of skills, in particular, to reveal the meaning of the author’s judgment, draw on the studied theoretical principles of the social sciences, independently formulate and specify their reasoning with examples, and draw conclusions.

If you study the statistics, you can see that an increasing number of schoolchildren choose social studies and want to take it for the Unified State Exam. However, this exam is very controversial. This is evidenced by the negative reviews of those people who took this exam. The popularity of this discipline is due to the fact that it is needed in almost all higher educational institutions of the state. In addition, this discipline is very often decided to be taken by graduates who for a long time could not decide on the list of required exams and did not prepare for them at all. Certain changes are being prepared in the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019, the latest news is clear evidence of this. Therefore, you need to know what awaits this year’s graduates and whether it’s worth taking up social studies at all.

Who really needs to take this subject?

It’s clear that you don’t need to immediately take up social studies. It should only be taken by representatives of certain professions. However, it is worth noting that if you add mathematics and the Russian language to social studies, then the doors of almost all higher institutions in the country will open to you, and the range of areas available to you will be very large. If you can score good points, you may get the opportunity to study for free in one of the following areas:

  • management;
  • merchandising;
  • economic direction;
  • sociology;
  • personnel Management.

Of course, this is not a complete list of all possible directions. True, the latest FIPI news on social studies in the Unified State Exam, literature in 2019 and other subjects has already managed to scare some graduates. How bad the changes turned out to be and whether they will make the exam much more difficult will be seen in the results of passing it. The good thing is that graduates who do not score enough points to enter one of the country’s universities have an alternative in the form of a college. Eleventh grade graduates are also accepted there based on the exams they pass.

Changes to tickets being prepared for 2019

Everyone knows that in 2017 there was already a wave of changes in the procedure for conducting the social studies exam. As a result, these changes received very positive feedback once they were tested in action. Moreover, such feedback came not only from teachers, but also from students. Despite this, minor changes were prepared for the Unified State Exam and social studies in 2019; the latest news suggests that, in general, the tickets will be similar to those that graduates already saw in 2017. Such news pleased many graduates.

First of all, it must be said that when preparing to take social studies, you should definitely not focus on those manuals that were released for 2016 or other earlier versions. The fact is that they will not correspond to CIMs. Therefore, we can say that the preparation will be ineffective and it is better to use the new manuals.

By the way, the tickets themselves will receive certain changes. It is still difficult to judge whether they will make the exam easier or more difficult. This will be visible in the results. So here are some changes:

  • now the tickets will no longer contain the traditional test option, when you had to choose one correct answer;
  • Now all the tasks have been divided into special blocks. Blocks are formed based on a specific topic. Thus, graduates will be able to navigate the topics more easily;
  • From now on, all references to the number of correct answers in the task have been removed. This means that some tasks may have two or even three correct answers, which significantly complicates the submission procedure;
  • a special system was introduced, which is based on primary and secondary scores. A total of 62 primary points can be scored. This means that you completed all tasks correctly;
  • For each correct answer you can score from one to three points. As for the essay, you can score a maximum of five points for it;
  • At the moment, a minimum passing score for this exam has been established. It will be 43 points;
  • The social studies exam will last more than three hours. During all this time, examinees will have to complete 29 tasks, each of which will have its own complexity.

Overall, these are the most important changes that graduates need to know about. The ticket itself will necessarily be divided into two parts. The first part will contain tasks that will require a short answer. And in the second part there will be an essay and questions with a detailed answer. After reading the latest social studies news in 2019, you might think that passing this exam is easy, but this is far from the case. In order not only to have the opportunity to compete for a budget place in one of the prestigious universities, you need to have really good preparation.

How can you prepare for social studies?

It is very important to properly prepare for passing this subject. In fact, there are no secrets that will allow you to get a high score. It just takes hard work and perseverance. After you have become familiar with the changes in the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019, have studied the latest news and acquired all the necessary knowledge about the upcoming exam, just follow three simple steps:

Read with this news:

  • Latest news on gold price forecast for 2020...
  • start your preparation early. It is better to start studying this subject at the beginning of the eleventh grade or even in the tenth grade;
  • Get good textbooks and exam preparation aids. To begin with, it is best to take the benefit for 2019, as it will be the most relevant. A lot actually depends on the quality of literature;
  • and, finally, pay more attention to practice and solving various kinds of tasks. Be sure to check out the 2017 tickets.

In general, you need to know that this exam is aimed at testing your knowledge in five main disciplines. Their list includes economics, law, political science, sociology and philosophy. Having a good understanding of the questions from each discipline, you can score a decent score and count on admission to a university.

When will this exam be held?

Approximate dates have already been announced for when the Unified State Examination in social studies will be held. First of all, those people who had the opportunity to take this exam earlier will be able to start it at the end of March. The main delivery period is at the end of May and the beginning of July. As for additional dates for testing, they will be announced later. We must also not forget that FIPI publications are constantly being made, new in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2019, the latest news often mentions this.

This is actually quite a complex subject. Moreover, he is very contradictory. It often happens that graduates are dissatisfied with the results. It is not so easy to pass it with a very high score. Therefore, if you have already set out to get a budget-funded place at one of the state universities, then be sure to put all your efforts into this. The point is that only hard work and persistence will allow you to achieve your goal.

The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials of the Unified State Exam.
Standard test tasks in social studies contain 14 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2018. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2018 test measurement materials in social studies and the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
The collection contains answers to all test options, detailed criteria for assessing tasks in Part 2, and provides samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions.
The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, as well as for high school students - for self-preparation and self-control.
By Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, textbooks from the Ekzamen publishing house are approved for use in general education organizations.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to empirical methods of scientific knowledge.
1) Experiment; 2) observation; 3) measurement; 4) survey; 5) analysis; 6) generalization.
Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Choose the correct judgments about the functions of art and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Art, like religion, performs a compensatory function.
2) The functions of art include self-realization of the creator of a work of art.
3) The aesthetic function distinguishes art from other ways of understanding the world.
4) The value-orienting function of art is manifested in the creation of norms and rules of creativity.
5) The communicative function of art is associated with the use of works of art by the media.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination 2018, Social studies, 14 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the Unified State Examination, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018 -, fast and free download.

  • OGE 2020, Social studies, 30 options, Typical options, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Koval T.V.
  • Unified State Examination, 700 tasks in social studies with answers, All tasks, Closed segment, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Korolkova E.S., Rutkovskaya E.L., 2020

Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2018. Option 102. Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

№1 Write down the word missing in the table. Diversity of political parties

Answer: Liberal

Explanations: Liberal parties defend the idea of ​​individual freedom.

№2 In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write it down phrase.
Unitary enterprise, production cooperative, legal entity, limited partnership, joint-stock company.

Answer: legal entity

Explanations: A legal entity is a general entity for all other concepts.

№3 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the sphere of activity of commercial banks.
1) opening and servicing of plastic cards; 2) purchase and sale of currency; 3) sale of traveler's checks; 4) servicing company accounts; 5) setting the discount rate; 6) issue of money.
Find two functions that “fall out” from the general series and write them in the table
the numbers under which they are indicated.

Answer: 56

Explanations: Setting the discount rate and issuing money are the functions of the Central Bank.

№4 Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) A social institution is a historically established organization of social practice.
2) The structure of a modern social institution, as a rule, is characterized by simplicity of relations.
3) Some social institutions can act as agents of socialization.
4) The political institutions of society traditionally include the market economy and property.
5) Social institutions streamline, coordinate individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character.

Answer: 135

Explanations: The socializing function is the function of social institutions; the ordered actions of people create stability.

№5 Establish a correspondence between needs and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

A) in public recognition
B) in communication
B) in satisfying hunger and thirst
D) in self-preservation
D) at work

1) social
2) biological (natural)

Answer: 11221

Explanations: You can complete the task using logical reasoning.

№6 The State Symphony Orchestra performed a symphony by a modern composer for the first time. Critics unanimously praised the musical work as an example of elite (high) culture. What allowed them to come to this conclusion? Write it down numbers, under which the signs of works of elite culture are indicated.
1) use of technical means for listening
2) the entertaining nature of the work
3) lack of a clearly expressed commercial orientation of the activities of the composer and performers
4) setting to follow the model that is adopted from previous generations
5) excessive complexity of the form of a musical work
6) difficulty in perceiving the work by unprepared listeners

Answer: 356

Explanations: Elite culture claims to stand high above the “ordinariness” of everyday life and to occupy the position of the “highest court” in relation to the socio-political problems of society.

№7 Choose the correct statements about the world economy and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.
1) The opening of domestic markets to foreign producers increases competition between market participants.
2) Sales of goods and services abroad are called imports.
3) The subjects of the world economy are national economies, transnational corporations, and international integration associations.
4) The opening of domestic markets to foreign producers contributes to a decrease in the income of all trading firms.
5) The trade balance is understood as the difference between the value of exports and imports for a certain period.

Answer: 135

Explanations: Judgments about the global economy: The opening of domestic markets to foreign producers increases competition between market participants. The subjects of the world economy are national economies, transnational corporations, and international integration associations. The trade balance is the difference between the value of exports and imports for a certain period.

№8 Establish a correspondence between the examples and types of taxes and fees in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A) corporate property tax
B) water tax
B) transport tax
D) trade fee
D) excise tax

1) regional
2) local
3) federal
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 13123

Explanations: Federal (VAT, excise tax, personal income tax, mineral extraction tax, water tax), regional (organizational property tax, gambling tax, transport tax), local (land tax, personal property tax, trade tax).

№9 The company provides services for external and internal cleaning of premises. Find in the list below examples of the firm's fixed costs in the short run. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) office security fee
2) purchasing detergents
3) payment for transport services
4) payment of piecework wages to employees
5) servicing a bank loan
6) rent for the company office

Answer: 156

Explanations: The company's costs in the short term: fees for office security, servicing a bank loan, rent for the company's office.

№10 The figure shows the change in demand for sailing yachts in the corresponding market: demand line D has moved to a new position - D1.
(P – price; Q – quantity.)

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.
1) In 2007, the share of those who believe that the state should ensure a normal level of well-being for all citizens is greater than those who believe that the state should provide assistance only to those who find themselves in difficult life situations.
2) Equal shares of respondents from both groups found it difficult to answer.
3) In 2007, equal shares of respondents answered that a citizen must provide himself with everything necessary, and found it difficult to answer.
4) In 2017, the share of those who believe that a citizen should provide himself with everything necessary is greater than the share of those who believe that the state should provide a normal level of well-being to all citizens.
5) The share of those who believe that the state should help only those who are unable to provide for themselves has decreased over 10 years.

Answer: 125

№13 Choose the correct judgments about the state and its functions and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.
1) The external functions of the state include determining the general direction of the state’s economic policy in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.
2) Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis of the country’s environmental security.
3) The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for the effective and high-quality activities of government bodies.
4) A state of any type has a monopoly right to law-making activities and taxation of individuals and legal entities.
5) The fundamental feature of any type of state is the implementation in it of the principle of separation of powers.

Answer: 234

Explanations: Judgment: Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis of the country's environmental security - very often found in Unified State Examination tasks as the correct answer.

№14 Establish a correspondence between the powers and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) management of federal property
B) announcement of amnesty
C) implementation of measures to combat crime
D) resolution of disputes about competence between the highest state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
D) ensuring the execution of the federal budget

1) State Duma
2) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
3) Government of the Russian Federation
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 31323

Explanations: Knowledge of the Constitution is used to carry it out.

№15 State Z has undergone electoral reform. What changes in election legislation indicate the approval of the proportional electoral system? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) introduction of universal, equal and direct suffrage
2) reflection of the progress of the election campaign in the media
3) introduction of an educational qualification for candidates for deputies
4) distribution of seats in parliament in accordance with the number of votes received by parties in the elections
5) voting on lists of political parties
6) introduction of a 7% electoral threshold for political parties

Answer: 456

Explanations: The introduction of a 7% electoral threshold refers to the proportional electoral system.

№16 Which of the following refers to the constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation Write down numbers, under which they are indicated.
1) engaging in entrepreneurial activity
2) defense of the Fatherland
3) care of adult able-bodied children for disabled parents
4) preservation of historical and cultural heritage
5) appeal to government authorities

Answer: 234

Explanations: K constitutional responsibilities of a citizen of the Russian Federation: protection of the Fatherland, care of adult able-bodied children for disabled parents, preservation of historical and cultural heritage.

№17 Choose the correct judgments about civil law. Write it down numbers, under which the relevant provisions are indicated.
1) Civil law includes a system of legal norms defining crime and punishability of acts.
2) The basis of the relationship between partners is the private interest and autonomous will of each participant in the resulting legal relationship.
3) The rules of civil law regulate property and personal non-property relations.
4) Civil legal relations arising in connection with the creation and use of works of science, literature, art, etc. are regulated by copyright.
5) Methods of protecting civil rights established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation include warning and disqualification.

Answer: 234

Explanations: Civil law regulates property and related non-property relations.

№18 Establish a correspondence between the examples and the grounds for termination of an employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A) Matvey Z. was declared completely incapable of working in accordance with a medical report.
B) Victoria K. found a more prestigious job.
C) The Occupational Safety and Health Commission found that Ivan Zh. violated labor safety requirements, which resulted in an industrial accident.
D) Irakli Z. did not perform his job duties without good reason and had several disciplinary sanctions.
D) 26-year-old Peter Ch. was sent to alternative civilian service.

1) employee initiative
2) employer initiative
3) circumstances beyond the control of the parties
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 31223

Explanations: The task can be completed by reasoning logically. Victoria K. found a more prestigious job. This benefits the employee.

№19 Leonid Vasilyevich works as a notary. Find in the list of actions included in the terms of reference of a notary and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.
1) investigate crimes
2) make copies of documents and make extracts from them
3) provide explanations on issues related to the performance of actions within his competence
4) represent and defend the interests of the principal in court
5) exercise supervision over the implementation of laws by bodies carrying out inquiry and preliminary investigation
6) certify the marriage contract

Answer: 236

Explanations: Actions within the scope of the notary's powers: make copies of documents and make extracts from them, give explanations on the issues of performing actions within his competence, certify the marriage contract.

№20 Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.
“According to the classical definition, ________(A) is a community of people based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, joint management of ________(B), moral mutual responsibility and spiritual attachment. It performs a whole range of functions that are essential for the existence of society: ________ (B) people; transfer from generation to generation of the most important social ________ (G), attitudes, knowledge. Its main functions also include organizing the household. The family carries out social ________(D). Family members provide each other with emotional support. The basis of the nuclear family is ________(E) - a state-sanctioned and regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, defining their rights and responsibilities.”
The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.
Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:
1) marriage
2) reproduction
3) marriage
4) control
5) institute
6) farm
7) norm
8) family
9) mobility
The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

Answer: 862743

Part 2

To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

In the process of development of society, its social structure does not remain unchanged. At the micro level, relationships, social connections, group composition, statuses and roles, and relationships between groups change. At the macro level, the quantitative composition of the lower and middle layers is changed by the economic situation and political decisions of the authorities, legal and moral

In addition, every person strives to improve his status. All this creates not a frozen, not static, but a dynamic picture of society. One of the processes of social dynamics is social mobility. The intensity of social mobility depends on the level of development of society, economic conditions, democratic relations, and the standard of living of the population.

Post-industrial society is characterized by intense vertical mobility. In a democratic society, where a person’s position does not depend on his prescribed status, nationality, religion, channels of vertical mobility are open, and everyone who meets certain requirements has the opportunity to improve their social status.

According to P. Sorokin, in a democratic society “there are many holes and elevators for ascent and descent...” Excessive social mobility, for example, a large number of people from the lower strata in management structures, indicates some kind of abnormality, a social cataclysm (revolution, war, epidemic , which destroyed many representatives of the upper strata at once).

In a democratic society, where there are no social, national and other restrictions, there is nevertheless a certain social mechanism that constrains mobility... This is a mechanism of competition, which manifests itself not only in economic struggle, but also in any struggle for increasing social status.

(B.A. Isaev)

№21 What changes in social structure at the micro level are noted in the text? What example of excessive social mobility does the author give? What indicators, in his opinion, do not affect a person’s position in a democratic society? (Name any two indicators.)

Answer:1) At the micro level, relationships, social connections, group composition, statuses and roles, and relationships between groups change. 2) The author gives an example of excessive social mobility: Excessive social mobility, for example, a large number of people from the lower strata in management structures. 3) Indicators, according to the author, that do not affect a person’s position in a democratic society: prescribed status, nationality.

Explanations: You can write your religion instead of your assigned status or nationality.

№22 Based on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of “vertical social mobility”. What conditions, according to the author, influence the intensity of social mobility? (Name any three conditions.) What social mechanism does he think holds back social mobility in a democratic society?

Answer: Vertical social mobility is the movement of an individual from one social level to another, with a change in social status. The intensity of social mobility depends on the level of development of society, economic conditions, and democratic relations. In a democratic society, social mobility is constrained by the mechanism of competition, which manifests itself not only in economic struggle, but also in any struggle to improve social status.

Explanations: You can write the standard of living of the population instead of the level of development of society or economic conditions, or democratic relations.

№23 Based on social science knowledge and facts of social life, name and illustrate with examples any three “elevators for ascent and descent.” (First name the social elevator, then give a corresponding example.) (Each example should be formulated in detail.)

Answer: 1. Education (University graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Evgenia Sokolova entered graduate school and after graduating and defending her PhD thesis became a candidate of technical sciences). 2. Professional activity (the leading manager of the Equator company, Alexander Titov, hardworking and executive, received a promotion and was appointed director of the department). 3. Marriage (The girl Natalya Gorelova married the owner of the large shopping center "Karat" Oleg Borodin, Natalia's social status increased).

Explanations: In this task, you need to show specific illustrative examples, with names and titles.

№24 Experts believe that artificial restrictions on social mobility by the state lead to negative consequences. Based on social science knowledge and facts of social life, name any three such consequences.

Answer: 1) With artificial restrictions on social mobility, social structures are not updated. Moving to a higher stratum, individuals bring innovation, strive for more advanced forms of life, and increase competition. 2) An individual, with artificial restrictions on social mobility, does not have the opportunity to reveal his talents and personal qualities; they can only be developed in higher strata of the population. 3) The negative consequence of artificial restrictions on social mobility will be expressed in the fact that due to the inaccessibility of certain specific benefits to lower social strata, social tension and aggressiveness will increase, and social conflicts will begin to grow.

Explanations: The answer must contain a specific cause-and-effect relationship.

№25 What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “activity”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of the activity, and one sentence revealing any of the elements of the structure of the activity.

Answer: Activity is a form of a person’s active relationship to the world around him, which consists of its purposeful change and transformation. 1. The structure of activity includes subject, object, motive, goal, result, methods of achieving the goal. 2. A goal is an image of an anticipated result towards which the activity is aimed.

Explanations: It is recommended to learn definitions.

№26 Illustrate with three examples the effect of changes in the price of factors of production on the supply of goods and services. (First give an example, then name a factor of production.) (Each example should be formulated in detail.)

Answer: 1. Capital (The decrease in energy prices in the country of N. has made many energy-intensive industries profitable, the supply of goods for which has increased).

2. Labor (Trade unions in the country of N. achieved an increase in the minimum wage, so the costs of producers increased significantly. Consequently, some producers raised prices and reduced the supply of goods).

3. Land (In the country of N., due to the unstable economic situation, the owners of agricultural plots increased the price of their rent. As a result, producers of natural products increased prices and decreased the supply of goods).

Explanations: You could provide other examples in your answer; your own reasoning is very important. It was possible to show not a decrease, but an increase in prices.

№27 In state Z, legislative power is exercised by parliament, and the popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, and civil society institutions are developed. State Z includes eight territories that have a certain political and legal independence and the right to adopt their own constitutions that do not contradict the basic law of the country. What is the form of state (territorial) structure of state Z? Indicate the fact according to the problem conditions on the basis of which you established this. Name any two features of this form of state (territorial) structure that are not mentioned in the problem statement.

Answer: 1. The form of state (territorial) structure of state Z is a federation.

2. The fact on the basis of which it was established. State Z includes eight territories that have a certain political and legal independence and the right to adopt their own constitutions that do not contradict the basic law of the country.

3. Two features of a federation are not mentioned in the problem statement: Bicameral structure of parliament. The existence of two systems of government bodies: federal bodies and bodies of federal subjects.

Explanations: From the conditions of the problem, you need to select facts related to the state territorial structure.

№28 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Alternative civil service in the Russian Federation.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


    1. The concept of alternative civil service
    2. Term of alternative civil service
      • 21 months (including two holidays).
      • 18 months (for citizens serving in organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies).
    3. The main replacements for military service under conscription ACS
      • Carrying out military service is contrary to the convictions or religion of a citizen
      • The citizen belongs to a small indigenous people and leads a traditional way of life, carries out traditional farming and is engaged in traditional crafts
    4. Citizens are not sent to alternative civil service
      • Have grounds for exemption from conscription for military service
      • Not subject to conscription
      • I have grounds for granting a deferment from conscription for military service
    5. Place of alternative military service for citizens
      • In organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
      • In organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies as civilian personnel
      • In organizations of traditional economic sectors and traditional crafts
    6. Signs that are taken into account when determining the type of work in which a citizen sent to alternative civil service can be employed

Explanations: During preparation, it is recommended to be sure to learn the reasons for replacing conscription military service with alternative civilian service.

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills oncontent that is more attractive to you. To this endchoose only ONE of the statements below(29.1–29.5).

№29 Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.
Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them).
When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified, in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from others educational subjects.
To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each fact/example cited must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position,
reasoning, conclusion.

29.1 Philosophy“Progress only indicates the direction of movement, and it is indifferent to what awaits at the end of this path - good or evil.” (J. Huizinga)

29.2 Economics“Entrepreneurial activity serves the interests not only of the individual, but also of society as a whole.” (S.N. Kanareikin)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology“True patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual nations.” (N.A. Dobrolyubov)

29.4 Political science“The ruler must not only want and decide, but also systematically lead others to a consistent will or decision.” (I.A. Ilyin)

29.5 Jurisprudence“Laws are the most beautiful invention of reason, but, while providing peace to peoples, they diminish their freedom.” (L. Vauvenargues)
