Методичка по английскому языку для студентов. Методичка по английскому языку. Бурятская государственная сельскохозяйственная

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Кафедра иностранных языков





Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1 и 2 курсов заочного отделения всех специальностей.

Цель учебно-методического пособия - формирование умения и навыков изучающего и информативного чтения литературы на английском языке по специальности широкого профиля с тем , чтобы извлекать из нее необходимую информацию.

Учебно-методическое пособие включает следующие разделы: программу, структуру курса обучения иностранному языку, требования на зачетах и экзамене, список рекомендуемой литературы, методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ и 6 контрольных работ, рассчитанных на выполнение в течение I-IV семестров. Каждая контрольная работа дана в 4 вариантах.

В качестве материала использованы лексико-грамматические упражнения, составленные в соответствии с требованиями программы и учебных планов, а также тексты научно-популярного, общетехнического и страноведческого характера.

Составители: Барановская М. Е., ст. преподаватель

Курочкина Т.А., ст. преподаватель

Сыртланова P.P., ст. преподаватель

© Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, 2000 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ

Данные методические указания и контрольные работы составлены в полном соответствии с программой курса «Иностранные языки« и рабочими учебными планами специальностей и предназначены для студентов заочного отделения Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета. В результате изучения курса студент должен овладеть навыками, необходимыми для практического владения языком: чтение и понимание текстов по широкому профилю вуза и владение устной речью в рамках пройденных устных тем.

Основной целью обучения студентов английскому языку в неязыковом вузе является достижение ими практического владения этим языком, что предполагает при заочном обучении формирование умения самостоятельно читать литературу по широкому профилю вуза с целью извлечения информации из иноязычных источников и владеть устной речью (говорение и аудирование) в рамках пройденной тематики.

В процессе достижения цели обучения решаются воспитательные и общеобразовательные задачи, способствующие повышению обще­образовательного и культурного уровня студентов.

Данная программа предусматривает, главным образом, само­стоятельную работу студентов. Работа под руководством препо­давателя рассчитана на 40 учебных часов или 52 учебных часа (в зависимости от специальности), которые используются для групповых занятий различного характера (установочные, контрольно-закрепи­тельные и другие).

В соответствии с действующими учебными планами на полный курс обучения иностранному языку для заочных отделений вузов неязыковых специальностей отводится не менее 40 (52) часов обязательных аудиторных занятий , 240 часов самостоятельной работы. За весь курс обучения студент выполняет 6 контрольных работ, сдает 3 зачета и экзамен.

Распределение учебных часов. I курс: 20 часов (24 часа) аудиторных занятий, 120 часов самостоятельной работы. Студент выполняет 3 контрольные работы и сдает 2 зачета.

II курс: 20 часов (28 часов) аудиторных занятий, 120 часов самостоятельной работы. Студент выполняет 3 контрольные работы и сдает зачет и экзамен.

Зачет. Зачет получают студенты, выполнившие контрольные работы, сдавшие тексты в объеме, предусмотренном программой, т.е. тексты учебника или учебных пособий по английскому языку (по профилю вуза) и устные темы.

Экзамен. К экзамену по английскому языку допускаются студенты, имеющие зачеты за три семестра, выполнившие письменные контрольные работы и сдавшие учебный материал по чтению за второй курс.

На экзамене по английскому языку проверяются умения:

Форма проверки - письменный или устный перевод.

Норма перевода - 1000 печатных знаков в час письменно или 1200-1500

и 5-8 незнакомых слов на 600-800 печатных знаков.

Форма проверки понимания - передача содержания прочитанного на русском

Время подготовки - 8-10 минут;

в) делать устное сообщение и беседовать по одной из пройденных тем.

Андрианова Л.Н., Багрова Н.Ю., Ершова Э.В. Учебник английского языка для

заочных технических вузов и факультетов. - М., 1988.

Баг Э.Я., Нечаева Э.С., Яралова Э.С. Учебник английского языка для вечерних вузов. - М., 1962.

Березовская Т.Ф., Кожевникова А.И. Учебное пособие по английскому языку. Ч. 1 и 2. - Уфа. 1993.

Бурова З.И. Английский язык для гуманитарных специальностей вузов. - М., 1987.

Гундризер В.Р., Ланда А.С. Учебник английского языка. - М., 1972.

Курашвили Е.И., Михалкова Е.С. Английский язык для технических вузов. Начальный курс - М., 1991.

Людвигова Е.В., Баженова С.М., Павлова Э.С., Седов Д.Г. Учебник английского языка для вузов заочного обучения. - М., 1968.

Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д., Кускова Л.А., Разговорова Е.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов. - М., 1974.

Новицкая Т.М., Плюске Е.А., Кучин Н.Д. Учебник английского языка для заочных вузов, - Л., 1961.

Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д. Практическая грамматика английского языка. - М., 1979.

Петрова А.В., Понтович С.В. Учебник английского языка для заочных вузов. - М., 1961.

Петрова А.В. Самоучитель английского языка. - Харьков, 1996.

Пронина Р.Ф., Сорокина Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных и вечерних вузов. - М., 1968.

Березовская Т.Ф., Кожевникова А.И., Мельникова В.А., Сыртланова P.P. Методические указания по коррективному курсу фонетики. - Уфа, 1994.


Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь Вам в Вашей самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода литературы по специальности на английском языке.

Для того, чтобы добиться успеха, необходимо приступить к работе над языком с первых же дней занятий в вузе и заниматься языком систематически.

Особенностью изучения иностранного языка в заочной системе обучения является то, что большая часть языкового материала должна прорабатываться самостоятельно.

Прежде всего, необходимо научиться правильно, произносить и читать слова и предложения. Чтобы научиться правильно произносить звуки и правильно читать тексты на английском языке, следует: во-первых, усвоить правила произношения отдельных букв и букво­сочетаний, а также правила ударения в слове и в целом предложении; при этом особое внимание следует обратить на произношение тех звуков, которые не имеют аналогов в русском языке; во-вторых, регулярно упражняться в чтении и произношении по соответствующим разделам рекомендованных программой учебников и учебных пособий. Систематическое прослушивание звукозаписей помогает приобрести навыки правильного произношения.

При чтении необходимо научиться делить предложения на смысловые отрезки - синтагмы, что обеспечит правильную технику чтения, необходимую для правильного понимания текста.

Чтобы понимать читаемую литературу, необходимо овладеть определенным запасом слов и выражений. Для этого рекомендуется регулярно читать на английском языке учебные тексты , газеты и оригинальную литературу по специальности.

Работу над закреплением и обогащением лексического запаса рекомендуем проводить следующим образом:

а) работая со словарем, выучите английский алфавит, а также ознакомьтесь по предисловию с построением словаря и с системой условных обозначений, принятых в данном словаре;

б) слова выписывайте в тетрадь в исходной форме с соответ­ствующей грамматической характеристикой, т.е. существительные - в единственном числе, глаголы - в неопределенной форме (в инфинитиве), указывая для неправильных глаголов основные формы.

При переводе с английского языка на русский необходимо помнить, что трудности вызывает следующее:

1) Многозначность слов. Например, слово right может выступать в
роли существительного «право», а также и в качестве прилагатель­ного «прямой, правый». Подобрать нужное значение слова можно только исходя из контекста, т.е. окружающих данное слово слов.

e.g. Our working people have the right to work and study.

A right angle equals 90 degrees. Go to the right.

2) Интернационализмы. В английском языке большое место, занимают
слова, заимствованные из латинского и греческого языков. Эти слова
получили широкое распространение и стали интернациональными. По
корню таких слов легко догадаться об их переводе на русский язык,
например: mechanization - механизация, atom - атом и т.д.

Однако нужно помнить, что многие интернационализмы расходятся в своем значении в русской и английском языках, поэтому их часто называют «ложными друзьями« переводчика. Например: accurate - «точный», а не «аккуратный»; resin - «смола», а не «резина»; control - не только «контролировать», но и «управлять» и т.д.

3) Словообразование. Эффективным средством расширения запаса слов в английском языке служит знание способов словообразования. Умея расчленить производное слово на корень , суффикс и префикс, легче определить значение неизвестного слова.

Часто встречаются префиксы, которые имеют международный характер, например: anti-, со-, de-: antibody - антитело; co-exist - сосуществовать; demilitarize - демилитаризовать.

Основные суффиксы существительных:




- ance



- ence



- sion



- dom



- tion



- ment



- ness



- ship



- age



- er



- ty



Основные суффиксы прилагательных и наречий:




- able



- ible



- ant



- ent



- full



- less



- ous



- y



- ly



4) Конверсия. Образование новых слов из существующих без изменения называется конверсией. Наиболее распространенным является образование глаголов от соответствующих существительных. Например:

water – вода to water – поливать

control – контроль to control – контролировать

cause – причина to cause – являться причиной

Помните, что одинаковые по форме слова могут относиться к различным частям речи и, выполняя различные синтаксические функции, иметь различный смысл. Поэтому смысловое значение знаменательного слова зависит от его места в предложении и от строевых слов, уточняющих грамматическую категорию этого слова.

Light is a form of energy. – Свет – это форма энергии (существительное в форме подлежащего).

I seldom light a candle. – Я редко зажигаю свечу (глагол-сказуемое).

5) В английском языке очень часто существительное употребляется в функции определения без изменения своей формы. Некоторые существительные-определения могут переводиться прилагательными, например:

саnе - тростник; саnе sugar - тростниковый сахар;

sugar - сахар; sugar саnе - сахарный тростник.

Однако подобный способ перевода не всегда возможен. В таких случаях перевод следует начинать справа налево с последнего существительного, а существительные, стоящие перед ним в роли определения, нужно переводить на русский язык существительными в косвенных падежах (чаще родительном) или предложным оборотом, например:

export grain - зерно на экспорт (экспортное зерно);

grain export - экспорт зерна.

6) В английском языке есть ряд глаголов, которые употребляются с послелогами и образуют новые понятия. Благодаря послелогам сравнительно немногочисленная группа слов отличается большой многозначностью. К этой группе относятся глаголы to get, to be, to make, to put и ряд других.

В словаре глаголы с послелогом пишутся после основного значения глагола в порядке алфавита послелогов, например: to go - идти; to go on продолжать.

7) В текстах научного характера английские словосочетания часто переводятся одним словом: raw materials - сырье; radio operator - радист; construction works - стройка.

8) Иногда при переводе с английского языка на русский приходится применять описательный перевод и передавать значение английского слова с помощью нескольких русских слов. Например: characteristics - характерные особенности;

efficiency - коэффициент полезного действия;

output - выпуск продукции;

solid - твердое тело;

to average - составлять, равняться в среднем;

mainly (chiefly) - главным образом.

9) Характерной особенностью языка научно-технической литературы является наличие большого количества терминов. Термин - это слово или устойчивое словосочетание, которое имеет одно строго определенное значение для определенной области науки и техники. Трудность перевода заключается в выборе правильного значения многозначного иностранного термина. Например: термин reduction можно перевести как «понижение» или «превращение», или «приведение» (мат.), или как «восстановление» (хим.), или как «обжатие» (метал.) Поэтому прежде чем приступить к переводу на русский язык, нужно сначала установить, о чем идет речь в данном отрывке текста, чтобы определить, к какой области знания относится понятие, выраженное неизвестным термином.


В силу особенностей исторического развития английского языка в его грамматической системе сохранилось минимальное число окончаний. Окончание

- s имени существительного 1) во мн. числе;

2) в притяжательном падеже.

These machines are highly efficient.

Эти машины имеют высокий коэффициент полезного действия.

The machine"s capacity is high.

Производительность этой машины высокая.

глагола в 3-м лице ед. числа в утвердит. форме

Present Indefinite Tense

Не machines these parts.

Он подвергает механической обработке эти детали.

-ег имени прилагательного в сравнительной степени

lighter - легче

(в словообразовании суффикс имени существительного, обозначающего действующее лицо , аппарат, прибор a teacher - учитель, a lighter – зажигалка)

- est имени прилагательного в превосходной степени

the lightest - самый легкий

-ed глагола: 1) в личной форме

Past Indefinite Тепsе

Не lighted the lamp.

Он зажег лампу.

2) в неличной форме Participle II

lighted - зажженный

Ing глагола внеличных формах:

Participle I - причастие настоящего времени

lighting - освещающий (определение), освещая (обстоятельство)

Gerund - герундий

lighting - освещение (имеется в виду процесс)

Verbal Noun - отглагольное существительное

the lighting - освещение

Поскольку количество суффиксов английского языка, по которым можно установить, к какой части речи относится данное слово, сравнительно невелико, для уточнения грамматических функций слова, взятого отдельно или в предложении, используются: 1) строевые слова; 2) твердый порядок слов.

Строевые слова-признаки имени существительного:

Артикль; a name - имя; an aim - цель; the machine - машина

Предлог: in turn - по очереди; without result - без результата

Местоимение (притяжательное, вопросительное, неопределенное, отрицательное, относительное): my work - моя работа; his studies - его занятия; Whose plans are better? - Чьи планы лучше? No vacant seats are left. – (Никаких свободных мест не осталось.)

Строевые слова-признаки глагола:

Прединфинитивная частица: to name - называть; to aim - нацели­ваться; to machine - обрабатывать механически

Модальный или вспомогательный глагол:

You must turn to the left. - Вам надо повернуть налево.

The efforts will result in success. - Усилия приведут к успеху.

They should watch the TV programme. - Им следует посмотреть эту телепередачу.

Местоимение (личное, вопросительное, относительное):

I work. - Я работаю. Не studies. - Он занимается.

Who plans the research? - Кто планирует это научное исследование?

The car which seats 5 persons. - Машина, которая вмещает (рассчи­тана на) 5 человек.

Advertising Ideas

Advertising is impersonal, usually paid communication intended to inform, educate, persuade, and remind.

Advertising is a sophisticated form of communication that must work with other marketing tools and business elements to be successful. Advertising must be interruptive - that is, it must make you stop thumbing through the newspaper or thinking about your day long enough to read or hear the ad. Advertising must also be credible, unique, and memorable in order to work.

And finally, assuming the actual advertising is built upon a solid positioning strategy, enough money must be spent to provide a media schedule for ad frequency, the most important element for ad memorability.

History of Advertising

1. Introduction

Marketing is more than just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. It comprises all the stages between creation of the product and the after-market which follows the eventual sale. One of these stages is advertising. The stages are like links in a chain, and the chain will break if one of the links is weak. Advertising is therefore as important as every other stage or link, and each depends on the other for success.

The product or service itself, its naming, packaging, pricing and distribution, are all reflected in advertising, which has been called the lifeblood of an organization. Without advertising, the products or services cannot flow to the distributors or sellers and on to the consumers or users.

2. Early forms

Advertising belongs to the modern industrial world, and to those countries which are developing and becoming industrialised. In the past when a shopkeeper or stall-holder had only to show and shout his goods to passers-by, advertising as we know it today hardly existed. Early forms of advertising were signs such as the inn sign, the red-and-white striped barber"s pole, the apothecary"s jar of coloured liquid and the wheelwright"s wheel, some of which have survived until today.

3. Effect of urban growth

The need for advertising developed with the expansion of population and the growth of towns with their shops and large stores; mass production in factories; roads and railways to convey goods; and popular newspapers in which to advertise. The large quantities of goods being produced were made known by means of advertising to unknown customers who lived far from the place of manufacture.

Advertising grew with the development of media, such as the coffee-house newspapers of the seventeenth century, and the arrival of advertising agencies nearly 200 years ago, mainly to handle government advertising.

4. Advertising and the modem world

If one looks at old pictures of horse buses in, say, late nineteenth-century London one will see that they carry advertisements for products famous today, a proof of the effectiveness of advertising. Thus the modern world depends on advertising. Without it, producers and distributors would be unable to sell, buyers would not know about and continue to remember products or services, and the modern industrial world would collapse. If factory output is to be maintained profitably, advertising must be powerful and continuous. Mass production requires mass consumption which in turn requires advertising to the mass market through the mass media.

16. Advertising involvement

Although advertising is listed as a single element it is associated with almost every other element, borrowing from them or interpreting them.

(a) The volume, emphasis and timing of advertising will depend on the product life cycle situation. For instance, at the introductory or recycling stages, the weight of advertising will be heavier than at the maturity or decline stages.

(b) Marketing research will provide evidence of motives, preferences and attitudes which will influence not only the copy platform or advertising theme but the choice of media through which to express it.

(c) Naming and branding may be initiated by the advertising department or agency, and clearly plays an important role in advertisement design.

(d) The product image will be projected by advertising.

(e) The market segment will decide the tone or style of advertising, and the choice of media.

(f) Pricing can play an important part in the appeal of the copy. Is the product value for money, a bargain or a luxury? Pricing can be a very competitive sales argument. People are very price conscious.

(g) The product mix has many applications. In advertising, one product may be associated with another, or each brand may require a separate campaign.

(h) Packaging can be a vital aspect of advertising, as when pack recognition is sought. It is itself a form of advertising, especially at the point-of-sale, as in a supermarket when the package often has to identify the product and literally sell it off the shelf.

(i) Distribution involves trade advertising such as by direct mail, in the trade press and at exhibitions.

(j) The sales force has to be familiarised with advertising campaigns which will support their efforts in the field.

(k) Market education is a public relations activity aimed at creating a favourable market situation in which advertising will work.

(1) Corporate and financial public relations often uses institutional advertising in the business press.

(m) Test marketing requires a miniature advertising campaign simulating the future national campaign.

(n) Advertising research includes copy-testing, circulation and readership surveys and statistics, recall tests, tracking studies and cost-per-reply and cost-per-conversion-to-sales figures.

(o) Sales promotion can augment or even replace traditional advertising.

(p) The after-market calls for advertising to make customers aware of post-sales services.

(q) The maintenance of customer interest and loyalty may be achieved by advertising which promotes additional uses and accessories, or simply reminds.


Advertising is used to create consumer interest in a product and also to increase the sales of that product. It may be described under three headings:

1 descriptive advertising;

2 persuasive advertising;

3 both descriptive and persuasive advertising together.

Descriptive advertising

This type of advertising gives the most: important facts about the product. It is the cheapest form of advertising and is used a lot by the small trader selling through the local paper. It will usually say:

1 what the product is;

2 how much it will cost;

3 where it may be obtained.

Example: 1972 Ford Escort £500. Telephone London 1234.

Persuasive advertising

This type of advertising tries to persuade people that the product which is being advertised has a special quality or usefulness which makes it much better than other similar products. It is used a lot in television advertising where consumers arc persuaded to think that if they buy that product they will become very popular or very happy. This is a psychological approach, and it is hoped by the advertiser that people will be persuaded to buy the product. The method uses "association of ideas". Brand names such as Guinness and Oxo are used in persuasive advertising.

Example: 1983 Ford Capri £2000 - good condition - low mileage, a bargain, first to see will buy this attractive car.

Advertising media


There are both national newspapers and local newspapers. Advertising in the national press is usually much more expensive than advertising in the local press. Both types of advertising are sold by the column centimetre, the half page and the page. A page in a national newspaper may cost many thousands of pounds for one day. This is because national newspapers have very large circulations (they are read by a lot of people).


Television advertising in Great Britain is controlled by the Television Act 1954. It is the most expensive kind of advertising and costs many thousands of pounds (on a national network) for just a few seconds of television time. Charges are made by the second. If the advertisement is shown at a time when relatively few people are watching, then it will be cheaper. If it is shown - at a time when many people are watching (peak viewing time) then the charges are much higher. Television advertising is mostly used by large organizations and the nationalized industries.

This kind of advertising is much cheaper than television advertising. It is very popular in the United States. The most popular radio station in Europe is Radio Luxembourg, which carries a lot of commercial advertising. In Great Britain radio advertising is usually carried by local independent radio stations.

Hoarding advertisements are usually put up in eye-catching positions at the side of the road. The cost of the advertisement will depend on where the hoarding is and how large it is. If it is in a very good position and near the centre of the city where it will be seen by many potential customers, then it will probably be quite expensive. The sites are usually rented out to clients on a monthly basis by an advertising agency.

These are quite often used by local tradersto advertise their goods and services. They are expensive in labour costs and are not very effective.


The inside and outside of buses, trains, vans and other kinds of public transport are used in transport advertising. The most expensive position is where the advertisement is most likely to be seen by the public such as the back of a bus or the inside of a bus, especially at the front where the potential customer will be seated looking at it. The most inexpensive position is upstairs on the bus or at the back inside the bus. It is difficult to tell whether transport advertising is effective.

The cinema screen is used for advertising by local and national traders. Like transport advertising, itis difficult to judge how effective cinema advertisingis.

Neon displays

These are mostly used by large firms. The signsare usually displayed in city centres.

Technical journals

These are mostly used as an advertising medium by large manufacturing and distributing companies. They are read by persons and companies who are interested in this particular kind of product, and the journals will also contain other information thatis useful to the readers. Technical journals are usually printed once a month. Examples are The Hairdresser, The Radio and Television Magazine and the Farmers Live Stock Journal. Advertising in technical journals is a very good method of advertising.

Trade fairs and shows

The Motor Show, the Boat Show, the Radio Show and the Ideal Homes Exhibition are a few examples of trade fairs and shows. Dairy products may be advertised at agricultural shows. Aircraft may be advertised and displayed at the Farnborough Air Show. The disadvantage is that the shows and exhibitions are expensive to organize.

It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular advertisement or method of advertising has been effective, but there is no doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential customer – advertising by word of mouth.

The language of advertising

Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them quickly. Decide which appeal to you and which don’t. Now think of an example for each type from your country.

persuasive advertising

1. Repetition The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular product or service.

2. Endorsement A popular personality is used in the advertisement.

3. Emotional appeal Advertising often appeals to basics such as mother-love, sex, manliness, feminity.

4. Scientific authority Sometimes the advert shows a person in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or “scientific testing” to persuade us.

5. “Keeping up with the jones’s” An appeal to pure snob value. You want to appeal to be richer or more successful than your neighbours.

6. Comparison The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct comparison with rival products.

7. An appeal to fear or anxiety This type is similar to 3, but works on our fears.

8. Association of ideas This is usually visual. Until it became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural situations.

9. Information If a product is new, it may be enough to show it and explain what it does.

10. Special offers/free gifts This is a very simple and direct appeal – it’s half a price!

11. Anti-advertising This is a modern version which appeals to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.

Do you agree that the only background for the problems with brand names would be:

Wrong pronunciation;

Wrong association;

Wrong translation.

Types of advertising

1. Scope of advertising

Advertising serves many purposes and many advertisers, from the individual who places a small classified advertisement in his local newspaper to the big spender who uses networked TV to sell popular brands to the nation"s millions.

2. Types

It is possible to identify seven main categories of advertising, namely consumer, industrial, trade, retail, financial, direct response and recruitment.

Consumer advertising

3. Different kinds

There are two kinds of goods bought by the general public, consumer goods and consumer durables, which together with consumer services are advertised through media addressed to the appropriate social grades.

4. Consumer goods

These are the numerous goods to be found in the shops, those which enjoy repeat sales like foods, drinks, confectionery and toiletries being called Fast Moving Consumer Goods, (FMCGs).

5. Consumer durables

Usually more expensive and less frequently bought, consumer durables are of a more permanent nature than consumer goods and include clothes, furniture, domestic appliances, entertainment goods like radio, television and video, and mechanical equipment from lawn-mowers to motor-cars.

6. Consumer services

They include services for security and well-being like banking, insurance, investment, repairs and maintenance, and those more to do with pleasure such as hotels, restaurants, travel and holidays.

7. Social grades

The social grades system makes it possible to identify certain groups of people-prospective buyers- and then to pinpoint the media which will reach them most effectively.

8. Media of consumer advertising

The media of consumer advertising will tend to be those with wide appeal, and even when more specialist journals such as women"s magazines are used they will still have large circulations. In fact, the term "consumer press" is applied to the publications which are displayed for sale in newsagents shops, on news-stands and on newspaper vendors" pitches"

Most of the trade, technical and professional journals have other forms of distribution such as special orders placed with newsagents, postal subscription or free postal controlled circulation. Controlled circulation are not to be confused with membership or subscription magazines. They are mailed (free of charge) to selected readers plus those who have requested copies.

In Britain there are also hundreds of "free" local newspapers which are delivered door-to-door every week. With saturation coverage of urban areas they provide good advertising media for many local businesses.

The primary media of consumer advertising are the press, radio, television, outdoor and to a limited extent cinema, supported by sales literature, exhibitions and sales promotion. We should not forget sponsorship, especially the sponsorship of many popular sports which in turn can be supported by arena advertising at the sports venue.

Industrial advertising

9. Purpose

The purpose of industrial advertising is twofold:

(a) to promote sales of equipment and services used by industry-machinery, tools, vehicles, specialist consultancy, finance and insurance come within this category;

(b) to promote sales of raw materials, components and other items used in industrial production-under this heading come metals, timber, plastics, food ingredients, chemicals and parts for assembly into finished equipment from watches to aircraft.

Hardly any of these products and services will be bought by consumers, except as replacements as when a motor-car needs a new battery or tyres. Unless the formula or specification is stated, consumers will be unaware of most industrial products.

10. Media of industrial advertising

The suppliers of services, equipment, raw materials and components will usually advertise in media seldom seen by the general or consumer public. The media used will consist of trade and technical journals, technical literature and catalogues, trade exhibitions, direct mail, and technical demonstrations and seminars. Technical journals will have smaller circulations than the consumer press, and exhibitions will tend to have fewer exhibitors and smaller attendances than public exhibitions open to the general public; in fact, admission is usually by ticket or business card. The amount of money spent on advertising will be far less, and there may be more reliance on market education using public relations techniques such as video documentaries, external house journals and technical feature articles.

11. Special characteristics

Industrial advertising differs in yet another way. Whereas consumer advertising may be emotive, industrial advertising has to be more detailed and informative, although not unimaginative. Trade journals provide valuable international market-places for thousands of products and services, maintaining sales of long-established ones and introducing new ones.

Public relations activities, while not to be regarded as free advertising, may be more effective and economical, especially when the need is to educate the market and create knowledge and understanding.

Trade advertising

12. Definitions

Trade advertising is addressed to distributors, chiefly wholesalers, agents, importers/exporters, and numerous kinds of retailers, large and small. Goods are advertised for resale.

13. Purpose

The purpose of trade press advertising is to inform merchants and traders about goods available for resale, whether it reminds them about well-established brands, introduces new lines or, as is often the case, announces special efforts to help retailers sell goods, e.g. price reductions, better trade terms, new packages, consumer advertising campaigns or sales promotion schemes. Such advertising invites enquiries and orders and also supports the advertiser"s field salesmen when they call on stockists.

14. Media of trade advertising

The trade press may or may not be used for this kind of advertising. There could be a mix of two or three media addressed to the trade. Direct mail is often used, especially when it is necessary to provide a lot of information such as consumer advertising campaign schedules giving dates and times when and where advertising will be taking place in the press or on radio and/or television.

Another useful medium is the trade exhibition, sponsored by a trade magazine or trade association, which will be attended by distributors. Some of the larger exhibitions may also be open, or open on certain days, to the general public as well, e.g. motor-car and furniture exhibitions.

Occasionally, commercial television time may be bought to tell retailers about new lines, or retailers may be mailed to tell them that consumer advertising campaigns are about to appear on TV.

15. Special characteristics

Since the object of trade advertising is to encourage shopkeepers (whether large chains or one-man businesses) to stock up the product (especially to achieve adequate distribution in advance of a consumer advertising campaign), emphasis will be placed on the advantages of so doing. The advantages will be higher sales and more profits, and the appeal will be to the retailer"s desire to make money. In so doing, trade advertising will also have to compete with the "selling-in" activities of rival manufacturers.

Trade advertising will be seen as part of the total advertising campaign for the product and so will be produced by the same advertising agency that handles the consumer advertising. However, whereas consumer advertising aims to persuade the consumer about the benefits to be gained from buying the product, trade advertising aims to persuade the retailer about the benefits which will result from selling the product. Trade advertising supports distribution. It prepares the way. There is no point in advertising products and encouraging consumers to buy them if the goods are not in the shops. The demand created by consumer advertising must be satisfied by the availability of the goods in the shops. That is what is meant by "adequate distribution". If the advertised goods cannot be bought, customers will buy either nothing or, worse still, a rival product!

Retail advertising

16. Introduction

Here we have a form of advertising which lies between trade and consumer advertising. The most obvious examples are those for department stores and supermarkets, but it can include the advertising conducted by any supplier including a petrol station, restaurant or insurance broker.

A major form of retailing nowadays is direct response marketing or retailing without shops. This is the modern form of mail-order trading which has moved from the traditional club catalogues to sophisticated off-the-page and direct mail campaigns for products and services, of which financial houses and department stores have become leading participants.

17. Purpose

The purpose of retail advertising is threefold, as outlined below.

(a) To sell the establishment, attract customers to the premises and, in the case of a shop, increase what is known as "store traffic", that is the number of people passing through the shop. If they can be encouraged to step inside they may possibly buy something which they would not otherwise be tempted to buy.

(b) To sell goods which are exclusive to the shop. Some distributors are appointed dealers for certain makes, e.g. the Ford dealer. Others, such as supermarkets, sell "own label" goods, having goods packed by the manufacturer in the name of the retailer. All the goods in the shop may bear the same brand, or certain lines such as tea, coffee, biscuits or baked beans may bear the retailer"s own label.

(c) To sell the stock of the shop, perhaps promoting items which are seasonal, or presenting a representative selection, or making special offers. The latter could be regular policy, or could be organised as shopping events such as winter or summer sales.

18. Media of retail advertising

The principal of media for retail advertising are:

(a) local weekly newspapers, including numerous free newspapers which gain saturation coverage of residential areas by being delivered from door to door;

(b) regional daily newspapers, of which most are "evenings";

(c) public transport external posters and internal cards, and arena advertising at sports grounds;

(d) direct mail to regular or account customers, and door-to-door leaflet distribution;

(e) regional commercial television;

(f) independent local radio;

(g) window bills and point-of-sale displays within the shop;

(h) window and in-store displays;

(i) catalogues.

The shop itself is a considerable advertising medium, and it may well be a familiar landmark. Marks &: Spencer rarely advertise, but their shops are so big they advertise themselves. With retail chains, the corporate identity scheme will quickly identify the location of a branch.

19. Special characteristics

Retail advertising is characterised by four main aspects: creating an image of the shop, establishing its location, variety of goods offered, and competitive price offers. Nearly always, the object of the advertising is to persuade people to visit the shop, although telephone ordering and the use of credit accounts and credit cards is a growing feature.

Financial advertising

20. Introduction

It is probably difficult to put a limit on what can be contained under this heading, but broadly speaking financial advertising includes that for banks, savings, insurance and investments. In addition to advertising addressed to customers or clients it can also include company reports, prospectuses for new share issues, records of investments in securities and other financial announcements.

Some, like building society and National Savings advertisements, may be addressed to the general public while others will appear in the financial and business press only.

21. Purpose

The object of financial advertising may be to borrow or lend money, conduct all kinds of insurance, sell shares, unit trusts, bonds and pension funds or report financial results.

22. Classes of financial advertising

The main categories in this field are as follows.

(a) Banks advertise their services which today are not confined to traditional bank accounts but include deposits, loans, insurance, house purchase, wills and executorship and advice on investment portfolios. Some banks specialise in certain areas of banking, and others concentrate on certain kinds of business.

(b) Friendly societies and private medical care organisations like BUPA offer schemes to provide insurance in time of illness.

(c) Building societies both borrow money from savers and lend money to house-buyers. Most of their advertising is directed at not only raising funds but keeping funds so that they have sufficient money to meet loan applications. Competitive interest rates are important sales points, and today in Britain there is rivalry between building societies, banks and insurance companies for the same kind of business.

(d) Insurance companies exist to insure against almost any risk from big commitments like ships and aircraft worth millions to covering professor – доцент 3. author [‘ɔ:Ɵə] – автор co-author [‘kou’ɔ:Ɵə] – соавтор 4. to carry out – выполнять, проводить 5. to design – конструировать 6. dormitory [‘dɔ:mitri] – общежитие syn. hall of residence 7. education – образование, обучение full-time education – очное обучение extra-mural education – заочное обучение 8. to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение) 9. to equip – оборудовать 10. facilities – благоприятные условия, оборудование 11. to graduate from [‘grжdjueit] – оканчивать учебное заведение graduate [‘grжdjuit] – выпускник undergraduate [ʌndə’grжdjuit] – студент последнего курса post-graduate [‘pəust’grжdjuit] – аспирант 12. humanities – гуманитарные дисциплины 13. to investigate – исследовать investigation – исследование syn. research 3 14. machine-tool – станок 15. necessary [‘nesisəri] – необходимый 16. polytechnic [,pɔli’teknik] – политехнический институт 17. scholarship [‘skɔləʃip] – стипендия 18. science [‘saiəns] – наука 19. society – общество 20. student [‘stju:dənt] – студент 21. to study [ʼstʌdi] – учиться 22. subject – учебный предмет 23. successful – успешный 24. technique – техника, технический прием, способ 25. term – семестр 26. thesis (-es) [‘Ɵi:sis] (-i:z) – диссертация (ии) 27. training appliance [‘treiniɳ ə’plaiəns] – учебное пособие 28. university [,ju:ni’və:siti] – университет 29. workshop [‘wə:kʃop] – мастерская I. а). Прочитайте интернациональные слова, догадайтесь об их значении. audio-visual [‘ɔ:diou ‘vizjuəl]; automation [‘ɔtə’meiʃən]; bureau ; candidate [‘kжndidit]; career ; centre [‘sentə]; certificate ; computer ; consultation [,kɔnsəl’teiʃn]; course [‘kɔ:s]; culture [‘kʌltʃə]; department ; diploma ; economics [,i:kə’nɔmiks]; experimental ; faculty [‘fжkəlti]; final [ʼfainl]; information [,infə’meiʃən]; institute [‘institju:t]; laboratory ; lecture [‘lektʃə]; management [‘mжnidʒmənt], problem [‘prɔbləm]; project [‘prɔdʒekt]; qualified [‘kwɔlifaid]; region [‘ri:dʒən]; seminar [‘semina:]; specialist [‘speʃəlist]; status [‘steitəs]; technical [‘teknikəl] б). Обратите внимание на произношение и значение следующих слов: activity [жk’tiviti] – деятельность design – конструировать engineering [,endʒi’niəriɳ] – техника instrument [‘instrumənt] – прибор II. Прочитайте и переведите группы однокоренных слов: 4 design – designer – designing; educate – education – educational equip – equipment; experiment – experimentalize – experimentally – experimentation – experimenter; graduate – graduation; investigate – investigation – investigator – investigative; manage – manager – management; practice – practical – practically – practise; science – scientific – scientist; success – successful – succeed; supervise – supervisor – supervision. III. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания на русский язык: higher school, full university status, candidate of science, doctor of science, lecture-hall, winter term, spring term, final term, general engineering subject, special subject, graduation project, graduation diploma, post-graduate course, full-time student, extra-mural student, field of science, leading scientist, scientific research work, scientific investigation, scientific conference, Students’ Scientific Society, research methods. IV. Соедините слова в логические словосочетания и пере-ведите их: a) carry out, design, enter, equip, investigate; b) instruments, laboratories, problems, research, a university. V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Преобразуйте их в вопросительные и отрицательные по образцу. Model These students study well. Do these students study well? These students do not study well. 1. I study English and French. 2. They attend English classes regularly. 3. Bob and Mike often miss lectures. 4. These students make reports at scientific conferences every year. 5. We study at the instrument-making faculty. 5 Model He studies German at the University. Does he study German at the University? He does not study German at the University. 1. She shows brilliant progress in her studies. 2. Professor Ivanov works at our University. 3. He makes a lot of experiments. 4. Roger likes philosophy very much. 5. Helen makes reports at students’ scientific conferences every year. Model She studied English at school. Did she study English at school? She did not study English at school. 1. They entered the University three years ago. 2. He defended his thesis for a scientific degree last month. 3. She failed her English exam yesterday. 4. They began to study English at the University. 5. Our descriptive geometry teacher gave a consultation to our group yesterday. I went to the library the day before yesterday. Model They will have two lectures tomorrow. Will they have two lectures tomorrow? They will not have two lectures tomorrow. 1. He will take a post-graduate course after graduating from the University. 2. The academic year will finish at the end of June. 3. We shall discuss this question at our seminar tomorrow. 4. Extra-mural students will study on Sunday. 5. I shall finish this work next week. Model They are taking their mathematics exam now. 1. We are doing grammar exercises now. 2. exam now? They are not taking at Are they taking their mathematics He is working at this problem present. 3. Itheir mathematics examexercise. 4. Sam was writing down the data am doing a grammar now. during the experiment. 5. They were working at 6 o’clock yesterday. 6. She will be working at her graduation project the whole evening tomorrow. 7. They will 6 be analysing the results of the experiment after they finish their work. Model They have translated the text. Have they translated the text? The have not translated the text. 1. He has done all his homework. 2. We have finished discussing the problem. 3. The conference had begun by the time we came. 4. They had arranged everything for the experiment by 2 o’clock yesterday. 5. Ann will have finished her work by 5 o’clock tomorrow. VI. Определите время сказуемого и переведите предложения. 1. She failed her exams and will take them again. 2. She is studying to become an engineer. 3. He has always wanted to apply for Moscow State University. 4. In Britain the academic year runs from October to July. 5. When we came to the laboratory the experiment had already started. 6. What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday? – I was writing my course paper. 7. We’ll be discussing this question at our seminar tomorrow morning. 8. Professor Brown is delivering a lecture to the undergraduate students now. 9. By the beginning of the academic year all the class-rooms, lecture-halls, laboratories and workshops will have been repaired. 10. I have carried out my laboratory work and now I am going home. 11. She went to the library yesterday. 12. Last night he completed the experiment which he had begun some months before. 13. I was reading when you rang me up. I was reading a difficult English text then. 14. Students who are interested in science join the Students’ Scientific Society. 15. Will they publish the results of their researches? VII. Определите глагольную форму. Добавьте возможное обстоятельство времени из предложенных ниже. 1. ... he comes to the University in time. 2. I have not seen him at the University ... . 3. Where is Helen? – She is working in the library ... . 4. The lecture had been over ... . 5. They had no lessons ... . 6. He will be taking his mathematics exam again ... . 7. ... he works much at his thesis. ... he worked 10 hours a day. Now he has an interval in his work. ... he will continue his work. usually: now; as a rule; for the last few days; by 3 o’clock yesterday; last week; yesterday; when I met you; in some days, at 3 o’clock tomorrow. VIII. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени. 7 1. He (attend) all lectures regularly. 2. We already (decide) to join the Students’ Scientific Society of our University. 3. The students of our group (carry out) a laboratory test now. 4. I left the library after I (finish) reading the book. 5. They (write) a test in English next week. 6. The lessons at our University (begin) at 8 a.m. 7. By the end of the year they (graduate) from the University. 8. All my friends (pass) their examinations well last week. 9. When we came to the dormitory to visit our friends, Irene (translate) a text and Ann (write) a letter to her parents. IX. Перестройте русские предложения в соответствии со строгим порядком слов в английском предложении. 1. Для меня очень трудны эти упражнения. 2. Завтра на научной студенческой конференции доклад будет делать мой друг. 3. Экзамены студенты сдают в конце каждого семестра. 4. Над английским он должен много работать. 5. Эту статью она вчера начала переводить на английский язык. X. Составьте предложения из заданных слов. Полученные предложения переведите. 1. year; has; new; the; begun; academic. 2. begins; year; the; in; usually; third; specialization. 3. present; 8.300; at; our; study; university; at; about; students. 4. is; university; a; he; the; at; student; full-time. XI. Задайте все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Paul attends lectures at the Institute every day. 2. They have always passed examinations successfully. 3. Peter is translating a new text. 4. They took the books from the library of our University. 5. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. 6. I shall have an English class tomorrow. 7. She has entered the Institute this year. 8. We are listening to the teacher. TEXT 1A Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY 8 Penza State University is one of the greatest and prestigious higher schools in the Volga region. The history of Penza State University dates back to 1943, when, during the Great Patriotic War, Odessa Industrial Institute was evacuated to Penza. So the University was founded as a polytechnic on the basis of the Odessa Industrial Institute. Since that time the University has grown into the centre of education, culture and science. Full University status was awarded in 1993. At present about 10.000 students study at the University, more than 600 teachers, associate professors and professors are on its staff. 360 of them are candidates and doctors of science. The University is housed in 10 buildings. The class-rooms and lecture- halls, the laboratories and workshops are equipped with up-to-date instruments, computers, machine-tools, audio-visuals and other training appliances. There is a rich library, 4 reading-rooms, a dining hall, 5 dormitories and a sports complex at the disposal of students. So the University has all the facilities necessary for successful studies and rest. Today Penza State University is made up of 11 main faculties: machine- building automation, instrument-making, radio-electronics, computer science, automation and information technology, economics and management and others. The University has also an extra-mural department, a preparatory course department and continuing education courses. The course of training includes various activities. During the academic year students attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and get consultations from the teachers. At the end of each term they take examinations. The students who make good progress in their studies are entitled to scholarships. The course is divided into two stages. In the first and second years students study general engineering subjects (mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry) and some humanities (history, philosophy, foreign languages). It gives a solid basis of general education to future specialists. Special subjects are taught in senior courses. Much attention is paid to practical instruction. Students gain practical experience at plants, research institutes and design bureaus of the city. During the final term undergraduates carry out their graduation projects. They defend them before an examination board and become graduates. At the end of the university course they receive graduation diplomas and go to work to different branches of engineering. II Those graduates who wish to make scientific careers may stay at the University and apply for post-graduate courses. The University has both full- 9 time and extra-mural courses of post-graduate training where they carry on scientific research. Their supervisors are Doctors of Sciences. On completing their work they submit theses for a scientific degree. Penza State University is a famous centre of science. The major part of scientific research work is done by the teaching staff. Students may also take part in scientific investigation. Many of the University"s leading scientists try to attract as many students as possible to their own field of science. Students may join the Students" Scientific Society to investigate scientific problems, carry on research in experimental laboratories, design up-to-date instruments, learn modern research methods. Once a year the Students" Scientific Society members make reports at scientific conferences. Some students take part in the competition "For the Best Scientific Work of Students” and win diplomas, medals and prizes there. Quite often our students become co-authors of inventions made by the University scientists and get author"s certificates. Since its foundation, the University has trained lots of highly-qualified professionals able to work is various fields of science and engineering. Задание 2. Найдите в тексте 1A английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний: 1. аудитория, современные приборы, в распоряжении студентов, подготовительные курсы, курсы повышения квалификации, показывать хорошие результаты в учебе, прочная основа общего образования, старшие курсы, практическая подготовка, приобретать опыт. 2. научная карьера, научный руководитель, принимать участие в научных исследованиях, привлечь как можно больше студентов, вступить в научное студенческое общество, члены научного студенческого общества, высококвалифицированные профессионалы. Задание 3. а). Прочитайте и переведите толкование некоторых слов по теме "Education": 1) educational certificate of proficiency; 2) talk for the purpose of teaching; 3) testing of knowledge or ability; 4) payment of money to a student; 5) person who is studying at a college, institute, polytechnic or university; 6) theory put forward and supported by arguments submitted for a scientific degree; 7) group studying a problem and meeting for discussion with a teacher; 8) institution for advanced teaching, conferring degrees and engaging in academic research. 10
